Keyword: Müll

Bye Bye Plastik

This is the motto of Bye Bye Plastik gUG (haftungsbeschränkt), based on Sylt. Founded in 2019 by Carin Winkler and Heike Werner. They encourage companies as well as restaurants, associations, authorities and private individuals to rethink – and to switch away from plastic to sustainable alternatives. As a private person you can become a “Believer” and as a company you can be awarded the “Changemaker cerification”.

Bye Bye Plastik

beeGoodies by hellogreen has now also applied for this button-sign! Fingers crossed that it works out.

Take a look at and get valuable tips and background information on the following topics:

  • Microplastics
  • Ghost nets in the Sea
  • Everyday tips for waste avoidance
  • What can the catering industry and the tourist industry do?
  • Frightening facts about the increase of litter in our oceans

Frightening facts that should wake everyone up, such as:

It took 10 years between 2022 and 2002 to produce as much plastic as in the entire 20th century. At present, about two truckloads of plastic are entering the oceans every minute.

High time for a rethink! Join them and register or support the valuable work of Bye Bye Plastic!

Sources: Fräulein Sylt 2022/2023,